Who is Sylvia Lovely?
Sylvia Lovely is President of Sylvia Lovely & Associates. She often introduces herself as a lawyer by training, a CEO by experience and a media mogul ... in her dreams. What is clear is that she brings her expertise as a lawyer and her 22 years at the Kentucky League of Cities - 20 years as CEO - to the table. As for the media mogul part, it is clear that as a speaker, writer, teacher and commentator about issues relating to the new rules of the 21st century and the bewildering times in which we live, she brings her ability to tell the story in order to help leaders and the organizations and communities they oversee achieve their goals and objectives and seize the opportunities that await them. Her expertise lies in assisting clients in matters having to do with reputational risk management/avoidance and community development - all under the new rules of the 21st century. Her topics include the popular seven guideposts to safety she developed as a tool for audiences and clients to employ as a checklist of governance in the age of transparency, increased accountability and scrutiny.
At the Kentucky League of Cities, Sylvia oversaw a major association business that served 380 member cities. Services included training and education, publications and advocacy. In addition, she oversaw the activities of a full service insurance company with strong risk management programming and financial services for cities including bond pool programs. While at KLC she founded the nonprofit New Cities Institute, an organization devoted to civic engagement and the building of strong communities from the ground up.
She has authored two books - The Little Blue Book of Big Ideas - New Cities in America and The Little Red Book of Everyday Heroes. Both books are celebrations of community and provide profiles of both the principles of community building and the unsung heroes who serve at the local level and how they overcome challenges in a new era of building community. She is affiliated with Joel Kotkin, a nationally known writer, and writes regularly for his web site www.newgeography.com. She is a frequent contributor to public radio, has appeared on the Lou Dobbs Tonight promoting Main Street and the power of ordinary people to make a difference. She has had guest editorials published throughout the country and is known as a storyteller - reflecting her strong Appalachian mountain heritage.
Her unique expertise is delivered through keynote addresses, executive coaching, board development and community engagement. She has served on the National League of Cities Board of Directors and conducts her work across the country. She currently serves on the Morehead State University Board of Regents - a university that serves her native Appalachia and is her alma mater. She serves as the immediate past chair. She is a graduate of the University of Kentucky College of Law. She is the recipient of numerous awards including Kentucky's highest award for public service - the Vic Hellard Award.
The Seven Guideposts to reputational safe harbor
Leadership under the rules of the "new normal"
How to Tell Your Story Before Others Do
The Five R's leading to Resiliency
Women's health - personal experiences in overcoming health issues (cervical; hip and leg breaks)
The Four P's for the New City
Engaging Citizens in the Internet age - Is it the end of Representative Governance?
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