Top Lists

Looking for the perfect speaker, celebrity, musician, or author for your next event? We know how hard it can be to pick exactly the right speaker or performer, which is why our agents have compiled top lists to assist you with the selection process.

Our top speaker lists below showcase keynote speakers and celebrity talent in a wide array of fields. Whether you would like a speaker to give a commencement speech at your university, deliver a keynote at a banking conference, or play your favorite music at your next private or corporate event, the team at All American Entertainment has years of experience helping you find the ideal fit.

Top Authors, Activists, and Public Figures for Hispanic Heritage Month

These top Hispanic Heritage authors, activists, and public figures will inspire your audience with a culturally rich perspective during Hispanic…

Up Your Game with All-Star Sports Speakers Who Inspire, Motivate, and Educate

Just as there are numerous types of professions within sports, there are an equal number of talented sports speakers to…

11 Inspiring Speakers Delivering Powerful Messages on Post-Traumatic Stress

Whether you are struggling with PTS yourself, or simply want to be a better ally for those struggling, these speakers…

Top COVID-19 Impact Speakers

We have gathered some of the top experts in fields related to COVID-19 response like economic impact, future trends, business…

10 LGBTQ+ Activists and Speakers for Pride Month 2021

This Pride Month and beyond, elevate your event with diverse storytellers whose experiences and efforts are invaluable in the fight…

Best Speakers for Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month

Read on for popular topics and speakers to further your audiences’ understanding and appreciation of the strides made to preserve…

Diverse Voices to Elevate Your Events Beyond Black History Month

Including Black voices will not only elevate and deepen your program’s impact by providing diverse perspectives, but it will also…

Speakers to Watch in 2021

There is no doubt that the events industry experienced massive changes in 2020. Despite the uncertainties the industry faced last…

AAE’s Top 20 Booked Speakers of 2020

Whether in-person, virtual, or somewhere in between, the speakers featured below have delivered great messages for AAE clients this year.…

Top 10 Trending Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Training Experts

Diversity, equity, and inclusion are the keys to making all individuals feel accepted and appreciated for their efforts. According to…