Speaker Spotlight: Marcia Clark

Marcia Clark is an American prosecutor, author, and television correspondent. She is best known as the head prosecutor in the O. J. Simpson murder case. Resigning after the case however, Clark left trial practice behind. Since leaving her famous post at the Los Angeles District Attorney’s office in the mid-90’s, Clark has become a bestselling crime novelist.  Most notably, she authored Without a Doubt, about the Simpson case, in a deal reported to be worth $4.2 million. In addition, Clark contributes a column for The Daily Beast, and has written five other novels.

In the years following the Simpson trial, Clark has made numerous appearances on television including being a “special correspondent” for Entertainment Tonight. She was a guest attorney on the short-lived television series Power of Attorney and was also featured on Headline News (HLN) to weigh in on the Casey Anthony trial. In July 2013, Clark provided commentary for CNN on the George Zimmerman murder trial in Florida.

Clark Uses Courtroom Experience for Novel

Most recently, Clark joined the 92nd Street Y Talks circuit to discuss her latest book, Blood Defense, which draws upon her experiences in the courtroom. It is the first book in a new series about a young, ambitious defense attorney who is looking for her big break when she lands the case of a decorated police detective charged with the murder of a beloved TV star. NBC News Senior Legal and Investigative Correspondent Cynthia McFadden modifies the discussion. McFadden occupied the ABC News seat in the O.J. Simpson courtroom from start to finish, and has won all of journalism’s highest honors for her coverage of legal and human rights issues.

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For more information on Marcia Clark, please visit our website. For booking inquiries on speaking engagements or events, contact us.

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