John and Sherry Petersik: Young House Love

There’s almost nothing a little paint can’t fix.”

John and Sherry Petersik are well known bloggers, authors, and podcast hosts in the do-it-yourself community. They appeal to the people who see a rusty mirror’s hidden potential and are excited by refinishing floors and laying tile. The two met at work, employed at an advertising agency in New York, working on a commercial. After moving to Virginia and getting engaged, the couple purchased their first home in 2005- a fixer-upper that would transform their lives. In 2007, excited to update their friends and family with their renovation project, they created a blog to post pictures and share their progress. Little did they know, this blog would lead to millions of visitors, thousands of projects and makeovers, and 3 home renovations, including their newest beach house.

Their popular blog, Young House Love, led to even more projects, including their own lighting collection and line of hooks and rails, sold in Target and Home Depot. John and Sherry have also co-authored three books. The first, Young House Love: 243 Ways to Paint, Craft, Update & Show Your Home Some Love, provides helpful tips and tricks for the beginner do-it-yourself-er.  Their second book is entitled Loveable Livable Home: How to Add Beauty, Get Organized, and Make Your House Work for You. The purpose of this book is to show that a home can be functional and beautiful simultaneously. Finally, they published a coloring book, called Color At Home: A Young House Love Coloring Book. More than a typical soothing coloring book for adults, this version is filled with beautiful illustrations that will inspire you in your decorating ventures. Wondering how a color scheme will work in your home? Try employing various colors in this coloring book, before committing to your walls and furniture.

While they temporarily decreased their daily blogging, the couple also changed mediums to share their ideas with the public. In 2016, the Petersiks decided to start their podcast- a way to respond to questions, interview others, and discuss DIY projects. With over 50 conversations on home improvement and design, this dynamic duo shares their stories and advice with listeners across the globe.  With a devoted community of followers, the Petersiks are trusted and capable guides as you remodel or redecorate your home.

For inquiries about booking John and Sherry Petersik or other home renovation experts for your next event, please contact us.

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All American Entertainment: All American Entertainment (AAE) is a full-service booking agency connecting audiences with innovative minds and powerful ideas across all disciplines. As one of the largest global talent buyers, AAE identifies and engages the best speakers for conferences, conventions, and special events, and has booked over $150M of celebrity talent on behalf of thousands of the most respected companies and organizations in the world.
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